A Flea Market, A Carnival, and Some Luck

Saturday, March 10, 2012 Posted by Digital Katsu
Ah, the American Flea Market. The place where you can find all kinds of junk, most likely stolen things, and mannequins with voluptuous booties.

This was the Colosseum flea market located near 880. It's open 7 days a week with varying entrance fees depending on the day. Today (Saturday), the fee was $1.50 to get in and walk around.

The flea market's a great place to buy things you wouldn't really think about getting a discount on. Socks...for one, are very cheap at the flea market. I remember looking for socks recently with a couple of people and you would be lucky to find a pack for $10. At the flea market there were some that were selling for $3 a pack. Razors are also a cheap commodity at the flea market that is priced ridiculously elsewhere.

After the flea market we went to Costco. After shopping and loading our car with the things that we just had purchased, Low noticed that someone left their package of coke bottles in the bottom of their shopping cart. They were the nice cokes too in the bottles from Mexico. We waited for a bit and then I ran and got the package;  no one seemed to be coming back from it. It was kind of weird too since the cart was jammed in with a pile of the other carts. It was like the person had a hard time pushing it in, but they didn't realize they had left their drinks at the bottom of their cart. Anyway, I felt a little bad, but if I wasn't going to get it someone else might have later on.

We concluded our day by going to a Carnival that is currently occupying a parking lot across from the Colosseum flea market on 880. The admission price is $2, ride tickets are $1(with rides costing 3-5 tickets), and an unlimited pass cost $25. It was a decent carnival. The rides seemed mediocre and fun, but very expensive if you didn't decide to splurge for a $25 pass. Then again, if you did get the pass, I don't know how many times you could ride on the Ferris wheel before you threw up from monotony.

The Carnies were nice, they offered free games to entice people. The prizes weren't that great though. Typical stuffed $100 bills and stuffed crayfish. There were larger prizes, but none of them were that extraordinary. 

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